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Kernow Growth Hub

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Our Growth Hub – the centre for innovation, collaboration and development

Our Trust is forward thinking and outward looking. We recognise the incredible work of other Trusts and organisations both locally and nationally and seek to learn from these, whilst also supporting others through sharing our knowledge, skills and abilities. 

Our Growth Hub is our centre for innovation, collaboration and development. It means that our colleagues have access to high quality CPD, training and advice and puts our Trust on a regional and national platform which gives us access to unparalleled resource and training. At the very core of this hub is our commitment to supporting schools outside of our Trust to benefit all children. 

Kernow English Hub 

The Kernow English Hub is a DfE funded project which provides support to schools in Cornwall. The primary basis of the English Hub is to raise standards in the teaching of early language, systematic synthetic phones, and to develop a reading for pleasure pedagogy. This is part of the national English Hubs programme and is one of 34 Hubs across England. 


Kernow Teaching School Hub 

The Kernow Teaching School Hub is one of 87 Teaching School Hubs across England and one of only two in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Our Teaching School Hub covers the geographical area of Cornwall West and the Isles of Scilly, however it has county wide reach through the OneCornwall Partnership which is the partnership of the two Hubs in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The Kernow Teaching School Hub has a responsibility to support Initial Teacher Education (ITE) across the area and to engage schools in the delivery of ITE. The Hub also has a remit to engage schools and teachers across the area in national programmes of CPD, including the Early Career Framework (ECF) for teachers in the first two years of post-qualifying employment and the delivery of the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs). 

Kernow Initial Teacher Education 

Kernow Initial Teacher Education (KITE) is Kernow Learning’s ITE programme, currently delivered in partnership with the University of Exeter and Plymouth Marjon University, and with the National Institute of Teaching from September 2024. This is a School Direct programme which leads to a PGCE with QTS qualification upon completion of the 1-year course. 

National Institute of Teaching – Associate College 

We are very excited that Kernow Learning is now an Associate College of the National Institute of Teaching (NIoT), the only Associate College in Cornwall and one of only five in the entire South-West region. Through the Associate Colleges, the NIoT delivers research based CPD and national programmes including the ECF and NPQs. From September 2024, our ITE programme will be part of the NIoT teacher training offer in partnership with the University of Birmingham. 



Kernow English Hub logo




Kernow Teaching School Hub logo




Kernow Initial Teaching Education Logo




National Institute of Teaching logo